How to apply Anime Sparkle Eyes


Let's paint glittery eyes with Paint tool SAI.

It is no exaggeration to say that eyes are the life of characters. If you draw your eyes beautifully, your character's expression will be rich. The process of “painting” occupies a large specific gravity to finish such an eye part.

This time, I will use sai to make my eyes look shining. There are various ways to paint, so I think it's a good idea to arrange from here and make your own way of painting.

This time, I will paint on this line drawing.

(1) Apply the base

I will paint the base. Create a new "Eye", "Eyeline", and "White Eye" under separate line layers. Clip on each layer created here.

Since the shadow color is the eye color, choose a base color that is not the eye color you really want to make. I will make blue eyes this time, but the base is greenish because the shadow is painted in blue. If the base and shadow colors are different, the eyes will have a sparkling and colorful finish. I wanted to avoid the heavy impression of the eyeline color, so I painted it in brown.

(2) Add highlights

I'll put a highlight on my eyes before painting. This highlight created a new layer on the line drawing of the eye and put it in white using the pencil tool. You can choose the place you like. I think it's interesting to try it because the impression changes a lot at the highlight.

(3) Add shadow 1

I will paint the inside of my eyes. First, paint a shadow. Create a new layer on top of the base layer, and check the “Clip at Layer Below” check box so that the fill does not protrude.

Use a darker color than the base (blue in this case) to paint a gradient by painting about two thirds of the top with the airbrush tool. The airbrush tool is used without changing the settings.

(4) Paint the center

Paint the pupil part of the actual eye. Change to a pencil tool and paint it in an oval with the color of (3). The shape can be adjusted well and the position can be adjusted, so it is safer to paint with another new layer.

(5) Add shadows 2

2 Paint shadows. Create a new layer and clip it. Select a color that is lighter and more saturated than one shadow, and use the airbrush tool to paint in the same way, leaving the border of one shadow painted in (3).

(6) Bottom of pupil

2 Paint with the airbrush tool so that the shadow color surrounds the bottom of the pupil and around the pupil.

(7) Eye center

Paint the center of the pupil. Create a new layer and clip it. 1 Select the color used for the shadow, and paint the center with the pencil tool. At this time, it should be drawn inside the previously painted shadow. When you finish painting, lower the transparency of the layer to “50%”.

(8) Reflected light

Draw the part where the light hits the eye and reflects it (reflected light). Create a new layer and clip it. Use a brush tool to light the top of the pupil. Choose a dark color for the reflected light. Since this time it is a blue-green pupil, the reflected light is purple.

(9) Make it emit light

Lights the lower part of the pupil. After creating a new layer and clipping it, this time, change the layer composition mode to “Light”. After that, use the pencil tool to light the bottom of the pupil in brown. Then lower the transparency of the layer to “50%”.

There is no light emitting layer in Photoshop. When importing psd data created with sai in Photoshop, if there is a light emitting layer, it will change to a dodging layer, so be careful.

(10) Further light emission

In addition, the lower part of the pupil is emitted. Create a layer in the same procedure as (9), and add more highlights so that it falls within the light emission part drawn in (9). Then reduce the transparency to “50%” again.

(11) Add accent

Add more colors to add accents. Create a new layer and clip it. Draw a number of small circles with the pencil tool. Any color can be used as long as it is highly saturated and brighter than the shadow color. If you make a light or dark place by tweaking the density of the pencil tool when putting it in, it will feel more sparkling.

(12) Put a white line at the bottom of the pupil

Draw a white line on the part emitted in (9).

(13) Eyeline

I will apply the eyeline. Create a new layer on top of the first eyelined layer and clip it. Use the airbrush tool to place the eyeline on the eyes and corners.

(14) Reflected light on eyeline

Use the color used in the reflected light of the pupil and paint the area just above the pupil with the airbrush tool.

(15) Add shadows to white eyes

Finally, if you put a shadow on the white eye part, the eye is painted.

Cre: esinote

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