How to draw slime: from rough to complete

First, let's draw a typical monster “slime”. It is a monster that is easy to imagine and easy to draw, so if you have 5 minutes, you can draw quickly. Let's get ready with paper and pencil!

Let's draw a slime!

1. First, draw a figure like this. It's like a boiled egg cut in half. (Thin thin lines are auxiliary lines. I will erase them later, but it is easier to understand if you draw them.)

2. Next, put the boiled egg on a small plate.

3. Deform the plate part. Please feel like a raw egg white. At this point it has become much slime.

4. Adjust the shape of the boiled egg. Since it is pulled down by gravity, make it slightly thinner upward.

Then, determine the position of the brightest part (highlight). (The circle drawn near the top is the highlight position.)

5. If the auxiliary line remains, delete it and adjust the outline. If you are motivated, try adding a shadow to create a 3D effect. This is completed!

What did you think. Did you draw well? Before proceeding to the next level, let's learn the points of drawing that will be important in the future.

Point: Start with a rough shape

Like this time, when drawing a picture, it is recommended to draw from a rough shape first. It's easier to draw the shape you want if you don't try to draw the details, but step by step.

Let's challenge a monster that is a little more responsive in this way.

Cre: kouza.creature-ya

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