How to draw a skew body

The spine as seen from outside the front

The spine looks like the simplest part at first glance, but it is the main part because it connects other parts. When taking a spine, I often see people who draw a straight line as if they were a spine. As explained in the thorax section, the spine is never straight. The spine seen from other than the front looks like an S-shape.

How far is the S-shaped spine

In general, the spine is connected to the crotch, but the spine part called S-shape does not extend to the crotch. It stops around the center of the buttock and the pelvis extends to the crotch.

Draw the rib cage after drawing the spine

The same thing can be done even if the angle of the body changes. Let's put a simplified rib cage on the spine. Please note that the shape of the chest changes depending on the viewing angle.

Draw the shark cartilage

Pull the sternum and draw around the costal cartilage. As with the front, the end of the salmon cartilage is the waistline.

Around an Abdominal

I'm going to draw an abdominal attack. By changing the angle, the oblique oblique muscles on one side become almost invisible and consist of the rectus abdominis muscle outline.

Draw a midline

Stretch the sternum and extend the midline to the crotch. The S-shaped spine does not extend to the crotch.

Draw the pelvis (iliac) line

From the waist line to the bulge of the abdomen, draw a pelvic (iliac) line and match it to the midline that extends to the crotch.

Draw a greater trochanter line

The waist line has already expanded from the pelvic line to the greater trochanter line and connected to the crotch. This completes the pelvic part.

Be aware of the three-dimensional structure of the body

If you paint a line made of a midline and a simple spine, or a line that connects your hips to your crotch, you can easily recognize the solid. Just copying and imitating will not make it visible, so let's practice while considering the three-dimensional structure of the body.

I think that some people have been wondering how it will become the body that I have drawn so far, so I tried adding around the collarbone and neck. I think it has become a lot like a human body.

As raised at the first minimum ratio, one body from the neck to the end of the cartilage “waistline” from the waistline to the crotch. This completes the two body parts of the body. If you add your head, you get 3 heads and half of 6 heads.

Cre: esinote

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